Only Members (no guests, non-authorized vendors or contractors) may access sites Nov 1 – May 14, 9am – 4pm. No services are available and overnight stays are not permitted.  Members must sign a liability waiver at the office each time you visit. Call the office at (530) 587-4023 before you arrive.

Members may snowshoe, ski, snowmobile or walk to their sites for the purpose of removing snow from their RV or inspecting their site. Management has the discretion to determine if members may drive in depending on weather and road conditions. Recreational use of snowmobiles is prohibited – snowmobiles must always remain on TTT roads to prevent damage to Association and member property. Damages to property may result in fines, penalties and/or cost of repairs. No non-park vehicle, except snowmobiles may be used on Park roads.

As a seasonal campground, TTT roads are inaccessible during the winter as the Association does not plow the roads. Depending on snow accumulation and weather conditions, the management team will move snow to allow access for them to perform their winter responsibilities such as security checks throughout the campground, Association property inspections, access to the shop, the Office, and their residences. Management will also create some parking areas for members who want to access their sites for day inspections.

Please Note: The Office, Gate and entire Campground will be closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day so that our management may enjoy the holidays.